As it happens you may have arrived here just because you care deeply for someone with insomnia, and you wish to help. Either way, the words and advice you will read here are golden, for if sleeplessness were money I would be the richest man on the planet. My experiences in chasing away this sickness are truly epic in proportion, and my solutions work.
I certainly won't tell you that there is one magical formula to beating insomnia because there is no miracle cure. There are reasonable and appreciable steps that can be taken that will help, and using these steps over time in a partnership with adopting proper sleep hygiene techniques you truly can get a good nights sleep on demand.
Having said t
- Sleeping pills become redundant and over time and you will need to take more and more to achieve the desired effect.
- Sleeping pills will negatively affect your short term memory; I'll get back to you in 10 years to let you know if it affects long term memory.
- Modern sleeping aids, called benzodiazepines, can place you in a trance-like state of sleepwalking, sleep eating, or sleep
*insert embarrassing activity here*. Take it from personal experience and my own research into the subject, this happens a great deal more than is reported. There are stories of adverse drug reactions that range from the mildly comical to the absolutely tragic. - A cold turkey withdrawal from these medications is akin to being driven quickly insane. I am not exaggerating in the least - there are many case studies wherein this has proven true. In fact withdrawing from certain commonly prescribed sleep aids (such as Xanax) have been reported to lead to prolonged and semi-permanent depressive disorders. Also a complete withdrawal from these substances can take up to 6 months or more, and most general practitioners are not really up on this fact when they prescribe these drugs.
Unfortunately, if your insomnia is of a more chronic nature then buckle down because it does take time and experimenting to find what works best for you. Read on, ask away, learn and interact here, and eventually you will discover that sleeping is not as elusive as you may think. There are some very effective insomnia cures right here and what is not listed can be, just suggest it. We can recognize the problem, and once you can recognize it you can solve it.